Desserts Raw BrownieThis low-fat, low-calorie brownie is a mix of cocoa paste with walnuts, cranberry, coconut, dates and almonds. ₺220,00V Avokado Red Forest Fruits PuddingThe English originated cocoa desert with a twist of avocado, raspberry and coconut milk. ₺259,00V Avokado Lime TarteA cup of fresh avocado paste lime tarte with honey, coconut, glutenfree biscuits and strawberries. ₺259,00GV The Avomados TrufflesThe perfect combination of cacao and avocado made a soft and delightful sweet. ₺171,00 Avokado Kakao PuddingAvokado, kakao, hurma ve portokal. ₺259,00GV V Vegan VG Vegetarian GGluten-free H Hot